All we need is your birth data

We'll send you a synopsis of your current situation. Next: zoom consultation includes indepth analysis + explanation of your current circumstances + past and future predictions: where you are now, where you've been and where you're headed - a road map. Then we'll prescribe & perform your remedies. Your problems will resolve. In 6 months you will look back and see this as a turning point. Testimonials

Vedic Astrology

Vedic astrology or jyotish is the traditional astrology of the ancient vedic civilization of India. It is held to be the eyes of the Ved eternal blueprint of creation Ved is the source of yoga, ayurved, vastu shastra, eastern philosophy, spirituality and mysticism. Indeed, the vedic literature is the oldest record of human experience known to man. Vedic astrology discovers eternal laws of nature within the fabric of our daily lives: our primordial dynamics. It's an original form of astrology practised for thousands of years.

Consultations with Ganesha

"I've been consulting you and the other astrologer for the past 8/9 years... While he is very good and gives good personality profiles and says how the relationship is likely to be - he doesn't give me the yes/no. For me its about the yes/no. That's why I like you.You do all that with the personality profiles; but you give me the yes/no. The reading we did about 2 years ago... The way it's happening with the career and the relationship ...its pretty much what you'd said. ...You're pretty much spot on again

"I have had the good fortune to verify the accuracy of Ganesh's jyotish (vedic astrology) and the efficacy of the yagyas that he arranges in my own life. I am simply left with a wonderment at the workings of the universe and an overwhelming gratitude for his help...

Guruji Karve: Marathi saint, sidha jyotishi

It's amazing how accurate jyotish is. I recently re-listened to your reading from our first meeting last year (I think this was in December 2020), because I was curious about this recent relationship that cropped up and then disappeared. The dates you had mentioned were spot-on, as well as your point about it being someone from work, and something totally out of the blue... When life gets difficult it makes all the difference to have the bigger perspective, as in the Cosmic one. Thanks for bringing that perspective to my life. It really brings me peace and hope to get through tough times...

Yagya promotes well being in all areas of life

Yagya is vedic technology to harmonize the celestial realm (Devata + Planets) with the realm of human existence (as above so below). Operating from the fundamental level of existence: Ved, the Blueprint of creation Yagya tends the root to nourish the fruit. It restores balance and harmony in all spheres of life. Maladies of mind, body and circumstance are rectified through yagya.

Yagya relieves the suffering due to malefic planets.

Our joys and sorrows in this life are the result of actions (karmas) done in previous births. The fruits of our past actions are mediated or delivered to us through the instrumentality of the 9 planets (Navagraha - 9 forces of nature). Their arrangement in the heavens at the time of birth is a karmic map of our life. Vedic astrology interprets this star map enabling predictions to be derived from it. Planets activate during the period of life allotted to them. A malefic or afflicted planet in the horoscope will bring problems during the period ruled or influenced by it. Yagya relieves the suffering .

Maladies of Mind Body and Circumstance are rectified

Optimal benefits from speciality yagyas performed at celebrated temples

We've been traveling to India regularly the past 24 years - more than 100 times. Over the years, working with pandit groups associated with different temples, we've found that some temples (dedicated to a particular God or Devata) specialize in certain yagyas. While they may perform many yagyas, some work better than others. This is due to the God or Devata of the temple and its relevance for particular yagyas. Over the years we've explored and cultivated working relationships with a number of temples specializing in particular yagyas . It's been our experience and more important our clients' experience - this approach works well.

Trayambakeshwar Temple Maharashtra


India is "Dev Bhumi" land of the Gods. India has many places where the Devata value is lively and accessible. Devata or deeper, Universal reality (God or presiding impulse of natural law) is lively and accessible in and around certain special locations. From one perspective, we can say Devata, land and families living on the land are not seperate. Although they appear as seperate entities, they are in fact, part and parcel of the same reality. It can also be said the reality of the Devata (universal, eternal Law of Nature) has permeated these places since time out of memory. Temples serve as a focal point. The deeper universal reality (Devata) is not separate from the land, the temple or indeed the families who have lived there for generations. And the pandits born of these families perform our yagyas.

Narasimha Temple Tamil Nadu

While pandits are integral to the Yagyas - because they recite the mantras and perform the ceremonies - they are not separate from Devata. So the land, temples, and pandits born of the families - are a manifestation of Devata the eternal universal reality - the greater wholeness. Therefore it's fair to say the influence of Devata (grace, blessing) operates through the temple and the pandits who service the temple. In this way, speciality yagyas performed at celebrated Temples deliver the Grace of Devata optimal benefits

Kaamakhya Temple, Assam

Cultivate Good Fortune Navaratri 9 nights of Divine Mother Align with Nature's Intelligence
Realize your highest goals and aspirations

When you participate in Navaratri Program, your life is infused with Shakti: Nature's Organizing Power. You align with the invincible evolutionary flow of Nature's intelligence. It generates a powerful momentum for progress & fulfillment on all levels, inner and outer: Invincibility Peace Wholeness Happiness Fulfillment Harmonious relationships Material affluence and success in your endeavors. Waves of wholeness roll through your life, your family, your community and the world nourishing and evolving all beings at every level of creation. Testimonial Testimonial Testimonial Testimonial

Navaratri or 9 nights of Divine Mother is a time of purification and evolution throughout the whole of nature. During this window, the wholeness of life rises to purge the lower, fragmented, imperfect values of natural law. In the Vedic literature (Purana), it is depicted as the time when Shakthi (quintessential universal power), champion of the gods, is victorious over demons (lower, fragmented forces of nature). It is a time for light to triumph over darkness. The river floods and stagnant pools are washed away. It's an opportunity to purify, revitalize and realign our lives: to get back on track - to realize our goals and aspirations. It's the time to slay our demons.

Vedic astrology Workshop Discover your primordial dynamics

Learn vedic astrology through hands on experience exploring your own horoscope. No one reads your horoscope with as much appreciation as you.
I have found Jyotish to be a deeply enriching experience, which has strongly underpinned the essential spiritual core of my being. It has been an insightful and inspiring gift, which has seamlessly connected the macrocosm with the microcosm and deepened the understanding of my soul. Energetically, I have felt its powerful current break through blockages, especially in the area of the heart chakra. Ganesha has been a very cognizant and perceptive teacher, whose passion for the subject has carried us deeper and deeper, effortlessly weaving us into the fabric of the cosmos...

27 Nakshatras Lunar Mansions

Nadi Astrology

Thousands of years ago the great seers (maharishis) recorded the destiny of individual souls (jivas) for all time. They did this by cognizing the subtle mechanics of creation on the finest levels of their own awareness. The cognitions were recorded in the form of dialogues between Lord Shiva & his consort Parvati. Through the perfect refinement of their awareness these enlightened sages directly experienced or 'heard' the self interacting dynamics of pure consciousness: the absolute field of existence. In this eternal conversation, God whispers to Himself about you - the details of your life & your future. Nadi astrology readings are now available outside of India. Your thumb print is scanned and emailed to Sth India and you speak directly with the translator and Nadi astrologer via live conference call.

This year 2024 October 29 [India] marks the Grand day of Dhanvatari: Patron deity of Ayur Ved for Perfect health and Immortality. When all the Devas + Asuras churned the milk ocean, Dhanvatari appeared with the nectar of immortality (Amrit Kalash). In honor of this auspicous day we're delighted to offer the following programs for perfect physical + psychological health . We'd love to have you on board.

Physical health 6 month (runs daily) Per month $USD_336 $AUD_504 EURO_267 GBP_259
Physical health 3 month (runs daily) Per month $USD_354 $AUD_531 EURO_282 GBP_273

Psychological health 6 month (runs daily) Per month $USD_153 $AUD_239 EURO_144 GBP_117
Psychological health 3 month (runs daily) Per month $USD_162 $AUD_252 EURO_153 GBP_126
(details below)
Homas are yagyas performed with sacred fire. Along with Mantra recitations, oblation of ghee is poured into the sacred fire enhancing the power and efficacy of your yagya. Our Maharishi Pandits in Assam specialize in long term Homas performed every day. These 3,6 & 12 month Homas rectify ingrained problems of mind and body

Physical health program Testimonials

- Program runs 2-3 hours every day 54 Pandits
- Aditya Hridayam Sun/Surya Yagya
- Perfect health Strength Vitality Invincibility Overcoming obstacles & enemies.
- 14 Long Stotras each day with Homa/sacred fire

Psychological health program

- Program runs 2-3 hours every day
- 3 dedicated pandits out of total group of 54 pandits
- 3 Pandits, Graha Stotra 108 recitations each Pandit each day. Total = 324 recitations each day
- 3 Pandits, Ashubha Graha mantra (for problem planets) 108 Japa each planet each day. Total = 324 Japa each day
- 3 Pandits, Saraswathi Mantra 1008 Japa each Pandit each day = total 3024 Japa each day
- All recitations and mantras performed with Homa/sacred fire.