Pitru Paksha 2019 Fortnight of Departed Ancestors |
September 14-28 |
'Pitru' refers to our forefathers or departed ancestors.
According to vedic understanding we are soul connected with 7 generations,
before and after. When an ancestor incurs some big karma (transgression
of natural law) it can be passed down to their children and grand children
and so on down the line. This is evidenced in the horoscope of their descendants
by a condition known as "Pitru Dosha": Rahu/Ketu's associating
with luminaries (sun/moon); also Kala Sarpa yoga (all planets to one side
of the Rahu/Ketu axis). This
means that the ancestor's karma is expressing itself through the life
and circumstances of their descendants. The sins of the father (or mother)
are visited on the children, grand children, great grand children and
so on... This ancestral karma manifests in different ways. Without the
application of proper remedy it is a life long condition limiting the
person's success in important fields of endeavor. |
Trayambakeshwar Jyotir Lingam in Nasik, Maharashtra is one of the 12 principal seats of Lord Shiva in India. Out of thousands of Shiva temples these 12 'Jyotir' or Self effulgent Lingams (lit from within) occupy a class of their own as the greatest, most celebrated & most powerful centres of Shiva's energy in the world. The lingams (murthis or idols) in these temples are all 'swambhu' or self created - not man made. Some hold Trayambakeshwar to be the first Jyotir Lingam. It is one of the 5 amrit sthanams or most sacred places in India; Kumbha Mela is held here. It is also mentioned in the Vedic literature. Yagyas and pujas have been performed here for thousands of years. More important, the experience of Lord Shiva's presence or darshan in these temples is unparalleled. For this reason millions of devotees come from far and wide each year to bathe in that experience of wholeness and peace which surpasses the understanding. And as a result of the presence of Lord Shiva at these Jyotir Lingams, yagyas performed here deliver profound benefits. |
of Trayambakeshwar with surrounding mountains |
Tripindi Shraddha can happen on day 1 through day 4 depending on which day is most auspicious (best muhurtha) |
is said full benefits will accrue 40 days after completion of the program.
To date it has been our experience this can take up to 2 or 3 months.
It is fair to say that after 6 months you will look back and hopefully
recognize this time as a turning point in your life. Testimonials |
Kala Sarpa Shanthi: Special 8 Day Program
- $754 |
Kalasarpa Dosha refers to a condition in the horoscope in which all planets (or all planets bar 1) occupy one side of the Rahu/Ketu axis. This dosha most often manifests in primary areas of life: relationships (marriage), health (mental & physical), career, education, accumulation of wealth, long term hopes and aspirations: things we observe in other people's lives as growing and taking on a life of their own - these can be a constant struggle and can fail for no apparent reason at the most unlikely times. In spite of talent and hard work, the person does not achieve success. To remove this Dosha, KalasarpaRahu and nine snakes are worshipped and a havan or sacrificial fire is performed at Trayambakeshwar. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
to vedic understanding we are soul connected with 7 generations, before
and after. The main aim of Narayanbali yagya is to fulfill the unrequited desires of our ancestors thus freeing them to move forward on their path of evolution. It is not possible to fulfill every single wish of the deceased. Some strong desires follow the jiva or individual soul even after death. In this condition, the soul keeps wandering on the earth. In Vedic esoteric philosophy it is held that soul is part of the Sun. It gets naturally attracted to the sun after death of the human body in the same way as water is attracted to the sea. But the unfulfilled desires and wishes force the soul to remain here in the earthly realm. The soul or jiva suffers a great deal in this condition. In order to free itself from suffering the trapped soul creates material problems in the lives of its descendents. To free himself or herself, the descendant may seek the help of doctors, healers or any kind of counselor. But due to the severity of this karma, standard remedies will not deliver the desired result. Dissatisfied with these attempts the person may seek the help of an astrologer. The positions of the planets in the horoscope reveal the Pitru Dosha or blemish of the ancestors. In view of this, we can say that the aim of Narayanbali yagya is to fulfill all unfulfilled wishes and desires of Jivatma or the individuated soul. This fulfills or destroys (depending on your perspective) the unrequited desires of the erstwhile trapped and suffering soul. When the desires are gone, the soul becomes lighter and travels in upward direction. The Jivatma or soul of the ancestor blesses the one who has enabled it to move forward. The
ritual of solemnly worshipping the Pitris or departed ancestors in order
to satisfy them is called Shraaddha. This yagya is performed with the
right materials, at the right place and at the right time (muhurtha)
and according to dictates laid down in the vedic shaastra. |
yagya is to be performed along with Narayanbali. Shaunaka rishi has described
this ritual in the following way. A person who has collected a lot of
wealth during their lifetime and cannot give up the desire for wealth
even after death, guards his wealth after death in the form of a snake.
This soul incarnated as snake does not allow any one else to enjoy his
wealth. Such a snake if killed curses the beneficiaries of its wealth
in the current or subsequent births. The beneficiaries of the wealth may
remain childless or suffer chronic disease. To get rid of disease and
to have children one should perform Naagbali yagya. |
philosophy holds it is necessary to perform Shraddha or traditional worship
of the ancestors around the time of their death. If one fails to perform
these rites of passage on behalf of their ancestors for a period of three
years then the departed ancestors can suffer and in turn their suffering
manifests in the lives of their descendents. To free oneself from this curse or from material troubles it is necessary to perform Tripindi yagya. The intention or sankalpa of this yagya is to increase material well being (artha). After its proper performance, material prosperity will slowly increase. Marriage difficulties also dissolve, there is success in profession and peace in the house. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are the devatas associated with this yagya. |