Essentials of Vedic Astrology Block 1: Static Horoscope
Exercises for Lesson 4B: Introduction to House Classification

Introduction to House Classification

Introduction to House Classification

From your horoscope
1] List all the planets in Trine Houses
2] List all the planets in angular houses
3] List all the planets in dhusthana houses

Trine or trikona houses are the most auspicious houses in the horoscope. Planets connected with trinal houses either by occupation or association with trinal lords indicate giftedness or talent or good fortune regarding their portfolios.
The fifth house in particular is known as the house of ‘purva punya’ – accumulated credit from previous birth.
For example:
Venus associated with trinal house = Artistic or musical talent, auspicious partners and/or relationship circumstances
Mars associated with trinal house = Athletic or martial arts talents and abilities; construction, mechanical talent and aptitude, military prowess, good fortune in competitions.
Mercury associated with trine house = gifted intelligence, writing, speaking and communication abilities.

4] Write down the portfolios for each planet listed in #1 above.
From your life experience to date, is there anything auspicious, gifted, fortunate or talented in connection with the portfolios of these planets.
Please elaborate

Kendras or angular houses indicate a position of significance or power in the life of the native. Their prominence can be either positive or negative. It therefore translates that a planet in Kendra will exert a powerful or significant influence over the life of the native such that he/she will often have a reputation for the qualities of the angular planet or his/her life will in some way bear its mark.

5] Write down the portfolios for each planet listed in #2 above.
From your life experience to date, is there anything in the portfolios of these planets you could see as marking your life or reputation
Please elaborate

Dhusthanas are inauspicious or evil houses. They indicate areas of weakness, vulnerability or loss in the life of the native. For the most part they exert a negative influence on the occupying planet and its portfolio [one notable exception is malefics in the 6th house].

6] Can you see anything inauspicious or unfortunate in connection with the portfolios of planets listed under #3 above. Please elaborate.

7] Return to Exercise 3B, Tajika Aspects, Q4. How does this added information enhance or clarify your interpretation so far?
Please elaborate with examples specifying the influence of planets in Trines, Kendras and dhustanas.

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Essentials of Vedic Astrology - Exercises for lesson 4B Intro to House Classification ©2006 Astrosalon p/l