Punarvasu Nakshatra : Spread from 20° degree Mithune upto 3° 20´ Karkata. Presiding deity ‘Aditi’, the Lord is Budha and Chandra. Symbol—Quiver (receptacle for arrows ).
word Punarvasu is derived from Puna+Vasu, which means return, renewal, restoration
or repetition. The 12 Adityas were born of Kasyapa in the womb of Aditi. The
12 Vasus are Indra. Vishnu, Vaga, Twasta, Barun, Aryama, Pusa, Mitra, Agni,
Parjyanya, Vivaswan and Dinakar. The mother Aditi of whom the Gods are born
is the repository of everything good—truth, generosity, magnanimity,
purity, aristocracy, beauty and renownt. It follows that this star is the
cause for these virtues. To start afresh after having once broken off, to
start a new life, to come back from a distant land—all these are signified
by Punarvasu. It stands for freedom from restriction and limitation, and boundless
space. The Gods, the children of Aditi, are basically and essentially are
different from children of Diti, who are demons. The demons never had a taste
of divine nectar and therefore miss the knowledge of fundamentals, fundamentals
of creation and mystery. They were engrossed with or deeply emerged in enjoyment
of the externals, the materialistic aspect of the universe. Gold and sex were
the two immediate pursuits, which made them extroverts. The Gods, however,
could rip into the deeper texture of things, they had tasted the divine nectar
and, become partners in supreme divine bliss and Punarvasu represents all
means repeat, again and again; Basanti means habitation. Punarbasati, therefore,
means remaking or remodelling of dwellings, Punarbasati or Punarvasu are same
in meaning. It denotes the ideas of abode, residence, back to home, sojourn,
recurrence, commencement, to shine or grow bright again, to enter into life
again, renewal of
riches, etc.
(from Daa — to divide) means not divisible. It means one not tied; free
or freedom; unbrokenness or entirety; external expanse, etc. It does not give
any idea of
fixation of any limit or duration. It is infinitude.
In mythology Aditi is the mother of 12 Adityas — Indra, Vishnu, Bhaga, Tvastaa, Baruna, Aryamaa, Pushyaa, Mitra, Paryanya. Vibaswaan, and Dibaakara. The name Aditi is also associated with Ashta-Basu — the eight virtues of man. It aims to say that Aditi has the divine power and virtues attached to the ideas of Adityas and Basus. Aditi is also referred as the mother of 7 creative forces as well as death. Aditi is again depicted as the wife of Kasyapa (father of Surya) and some mentioned her as the wife of Vishnu — who sustains creation. However, Aditi is that force which is responsible for creation and death on the external plane of infinitude, the Akasa.
At Punarvasu Ravi changes its course from Devajaana to Pittrijaana — the world of experience. So, ideas of experience is denoted by Punarvasu.
Abode, residence, habitat.
Rsstoration or renewal of wealth, riches, goods, property, remaking or remodelling
of dwelling.
Back from journey, back home, sojourn, to enter life again, repetition, again
and again, to shine, or grow bright again, recurrence, commencement.
Not tied, free, freedom, unbrokenness, entirety, security, safety.
Infinity, external expanse.
Portion of the human body — Fingers.